Plainview Volunteer Fire Department Gets $30,000 In Energy Saving Rebates

  • Source: Rockville Centre Patch
  • Published: 07/26/2024 12:00 AM

The Plainview Volunteer Fire Department isn't just saving lives, it is saving energy. The department received energy efficiency rebates of $29,821 from PSEG Long Island. They replaced more than 600 interior and exterior lighting fixtures and lights at the Old Country Road firehouse and the Round Swamp Road firehouse. "We commend the department for being good stewards of their finances and the earth. These projects will yield significant savings for the department into the future,” said Michael Voltz, director of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for PSEG Long Island. These energy-saving measures are expected to save the fire department approximately $22,000 on its energy costs each year, PSEG Long Island said.


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