Late Night Fire Destroys Garage, Damages House in South Beatrice

  • Source: KWBE
  • Published: 02/11/2019 05:49 AM

Fire destroyed the garage of a home late Sunday night, near Chautauqua Park, in south Beatrice. Firefighters were dispatched just after ten p.m., to eleven-eleven South 8th Street. Beatrice Fire Captain Jeremy Seggerman says the man who resides at the home escaped the fire and police said he was outside the home when firefighters arrived. One pumper truck and two ambulances were sent to the scene. The house is along the west side of South Eighth. Seggerman says the blaze did some damage to the outside of the home itself but did not extend into the living area. The flames from the garage burned into some trees at the rear of the home. The cause of the fire was under investigation. No injuries were reported. Firefighters connected to a hydrant about a half-block away, at 8th and Grable.


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