Surf City installing safety stations on all 39 beach accesses

  • Source: WITN-TV NBC/MyNetworkTV 7 Greenville
  • Published: 05/21/2024 05:26 AM

VIDEO: One beach town is taking extra steps to keep everyone safe. Surf City is putting up safety stations along the dunes. The stations are supposed to be easy to understand. Signs are posted with information about water conditions, and how to help a swimmer in case of an emergency. Surf City Fire Chief Allen Wilson believes the safety stations will make a big impact on beachgoers this summer. “We really believe that this new system is going to provide the residents and beachgoers a lot more information at their fingertips,” said Chief Wilson. It’s something Surf City Mayor Teresa Batts says has the power to make a difference. “We want to save lives - we don’t want to lose anyone,” said Mayor Batts. Last year, there were 47 swimming-related incidents, and two people drowned.


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