Butte firefighters battle fires and sub-zero temperatures

  • Source: KRTV CBS 3 Great Falls
  • Published: 02/13/2021 05:07 PM

Fighting a fire is hard work. But fighting fires in subfreezing temperatures adds another level of difficulty. For Butte firefighters, just getting to the fire on snow- and ice-covered roads can be dangerous. “But once we get off those routes, it takes us a little longer navigating those side streets and maybe up someone’s driveway, so just even getting to the scene is going to be a little bit slower,” said Capt. Chad Silk of the Butte Fire Department. Firefighters from Butte helped Jefferson County firefighters with a structure fire in a rural area this week in which temperatures dropped to 15 below zero. This can cause equipment failures, as well as firefighters literally coming frozen inside their protective gear.


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