Suspicious fire at Columbia Planned Parenthood clinic

  • Source: Columbia Daily Tribune
  • Published: 02/11/2019 03:35 AM

A small fire early Sunday at Columbia’s Planned Parenthood clinic is being investigated as a suspicious blaze, the Columbia Police Department reported in a news release. The Columbia Fire Department was called to the clinic at 4:06 a.m. Sunday and found “a light haze in the building,” the release stated. Additional units were dispatched and the investigation revealed the small fire had been extinguished by the building’s sprinkler system. The city assistant fire marshal determined the fire was suspicious and brought in Columbia police to assist in the investigation. The release stated there is no additional information to release due to the ongoing nature of the investigation. In a statement, Planned Parenthood Great Plains President and CEO Brandon Hill said no staff was at the clinic when the fire began. “The building sustained some damage, but we appreciate the help of first responders in containing the fire,” Hill said.


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