3 Firefighters Evacuated After Roof Collapses During Willard House Fire

  • Source: KRBK Fox 5 Springfield
  • Published: 02/09/2019 03:26 PM

PHOTO: While responding to a house fire in Willard, three firefighters were evacuated after the roof of the home collapsed Saturday afternoon. The house is near Highway Z and Farmroad 68. The homeowner and two children were home at the time, according to Willard Battalion Chief Jeremy Bumgarner. Nine agencies responded to the fire: Willard, Republic, Springfield, Boi Darc, Brookline, Ash Grove, Walnut Grove, Ebenezer and Battlefield. Bumgarner said the homeowner found fire around the wood burning stove, then evacuated and called the fire department. The home was built in 1898. After the fire made it to the attic, Bumgarner said, the roof collapsed, forcing the evacuation of three firefighters. No one was injured, Bumgarner said.


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