Fire damages Faribault residence

  • Source: Waseca County News
  • Published: 01/09/2023 05:44 PM

A Faribault house was significantly damaged by fire Monday evening, but all occupants escaped safely. Firefighters and other first-responders were called to 1410 Central Ave. at 6:42 p.m. Occupants reported a fire in the bathroom as they exited, according to a news release from Fire Chief Dustin Dienst. When responders arrived there were flames coming out of a second-floor window. Firefighters began to fight the fire from the exterior. As additional firefighters arrived they went inside to fight the fire and ensure no one was inside. Firefighters cleared the scene at 8:38 pm. The Fire Department contacted the State Fire Marshal’s Office and an investigation of the cause of the fire is ongoing. “The home suffered major fire, smoke and water damage," Dienst said. "I am grateful the children in the home knew what to do when they discovered the smoke. They alerted everyone inside, which is why everyone escaped unharmed.”


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