Woman injured after suspected gas explosion destroys Allegan County home

  • Source: Mlive.com
  • Published: 02/10/2019 03:43 PM

A woman was injured after her home caught fire in a suspected gas explosion in Allegan County Sunday, Feb. 10. South Haven Area Emergency Services arrived at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the residence at 6016 104th Ave. in Casco Township. The house was “fully consumed and burned up,” said Paul Quinn, a South Haven firefighter and paramedic. The female resident was home alone at the time of the fire, officials said. She was rushed by ambulance to the Burn and Wound Center at Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo. The fire was under control within an hour, Quinn said, but firefighters remained, cleaning up the scene, for three to four hours. The cause of the fire and suspected explosion is still under investigation.


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