Over 600 People Celebrate Life of Clare Firefighter Who Died in Tragic Accident

  • Source: WWTV-TV 9&10 News
  • Published: 02/09/2019 04:22 PM

The Clare community came together Saturday. Hundreds of people celebrated the life of firefighter, husband and father Ethan Gage. Ethan Gage passed away after a work place accident last Monday. He was changing a tire in Clare when the tire exploded. The severe head trauma ended up killing him. With the amount of people that packed Brown Corners Church in Clare, it is clear that Ethan Gage made a big impact on those around him. “Clare County central to Lt. Ethan Gage. Clare County 104. This is your last call.” More than 600 people filled the pews to celebrate a local hero. “Ethan came to the Clare Fire Department about six years ago and he was a firefighter in Harrison for four years prior to that,” says Clare Fire Department chief, James Chapman. With more than 10 years of service to the community, Ethan touched the lives of many people. The Clare fire chief tells us his character was truly special.


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