Newton Fire Department second in nation to use device to quell electric vehicle hazards to firefighters

  • Source: WBUR-FM 90.9 Boston
  • Published: 01/17/2023 12:00 AM

The Newton Fire Department is one of the first in the country with a special device to help when it responds to crashes involving electric vehicles. The "Emergency-plug" can be inserted into an EV after a crash to immobilize it. The device essentially tricks the vehicle into thinking it is in park, rather than cutting the power entirely. "If it's a 'normal' combustion car, you can kind of anticipate the hazards," said Newton Fire Capt. Phillip McCully. "With an electric vehicle, because they run so quiet, you almost can't anticipate the sudden vehicle movements." The device is already in use by first responders in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. McCully was inspired to learn more about it after a NYC firefighter was injured responding to an electric vehicle crash in 2022. The firefighter did not know the vehicle was still in drive, and was hurt when it began moving.


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