Worcester firefighters sending prayers to Bronx, NY after devastating fire

  • Source: WFXT-TV FOX 25 Boston
  • Published: 01/10/2022 12:00 AM

It was the worst fire in New York City in 30 years. Nineteen dead, including 9 children and dozens more injured. Firefighters found victims on all 19 floors during this high-rise inferno. The FDNY says about 200 firefighters responded to the fire that began in the Bronx around 11 a.m. Sunday due to a malfunctioning electric space heater. “Those are staggering numbers,” said Worcester Acting Deputy Fire Chief Adam Roche who was following every step of the story knowing the fire service Community is so tight-knit. “We’ve had a lot of members go down there for some of their events. They’ve obviously come up here for some of our funerals and events. So really our prayers and thoughts are with them. We wish everybody down there a speedy recovery and hopefully, they can deal with this In the coming days, and I know it’s going to be hard a hard scene down there.”


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