Firefighters battling fire in multifamily home in Cambridge

  • Source: WCVB-TV ABC 5 Boston
  • Published: 02/11/2019 06:18 AM

Firefighters in Cambridge battled a three-alarm fire Monday inside a multifamily home. The fire broke out at 511-513 Putnam Avenue just before 8 a.m. Smoke streamed out from the roof of the building as flames in the attic forced out residents of the four-unit home. “One of our neighbors came knocking on the door. She saw smoke,” resident Gary Ludorf said. “We just rushed to get everyone out of the building.” There were some challenging moments for firefighters as they tried to reach the fire in hidden spaces of the attic. “It’s a livable space, but also got into the cockloft area of the attic, got into some voids -- makes it very difficult to chase the fire in those locations,” Cambridge Fire Department Chief Gerry Mahoney said.


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