Ouachita Parish Fire Department gives tips on how to prevent house fires during National Fire Prevention week

  • Source: KTVE-TV NBC 10 El Dorado
  • Published: 10/06/2021 12:00 AM

October third until October ninth is National Fire Prevention Week. The Ouachita Parish Fire Department says there are multiple ways to prevent fires in your home. Ouachita Parish Chief of fire prevention Dusty Harris says tools like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can save you and your home during a fire. Dusty Harris, “You need to be aware that if there’s something going on, the first thing to do to be aware of that is to have a working smoke detector in your home. We see a lot of instances where people are thankful to have smoke detectors in their home, and they do make a difference however the sad fact is that we do also see a lot of instances where people would say if I had a working smoke detector in my home this may have made a difference.”


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