Gonzales Firefighter Dale Leblanc Named Firefighter of the Year

  • Source: Gonzales Weekly
  • Published: 08/14/2019 01:06 PM

Dale Leblanc is a firefighter with the Gonzales Fire Department. Throughout his 12 years serving others, he has participated in countless calls and was recently named Firefighter of the Year for the department. Born and raised in Gonzales, Leblanc simply wants to help those in the community he calls home. He says his biggest motivation is family. “Just helping people out. I know I have a lot of family in this city. It puts my mind at ease knowing that I know what to do if anything happens,” Leblanc said. His 24-hour shifts begin by checking the trucks so that all the equipment is ready at a moments notice. Once that is complete, him and his fellow firefighters wait for a call. During his time at the Gonzales Fire Department, Leblanc says he has grown close with the other firefighters. “You know what to do for each other . . . most of the time you can look at somebody, and you don’t have to say anything. You just know exactly what they need to be done,” he said.


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