Extensive damage, 1 confirmed death from Westmoreland tornado

  • Source: KCTV CBS 5 Kansas City
  • Published: 05/02/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Pottawatomie County officials confirm one person was killed when a tornado hit Westmoreland late Tuesday afternoon. Emergency officials say the tornado hit the city at 4:41 p.m. April 30. Assessments continued into Tuesday night, but responders say the damage is “extensive.” At least 22 houses are destroyed. Authorities say the northern part of the city was hardest hit, and is where the fatality occurred. They have implemented a curfew to keep people away from the damaged areas. Power will be restored as safety allows. In addition to the one person killed, three people are hospitalized with injuries. The name of the person is not being released while family notifications continue. Authorities have closed Highway 99 between Main St. and Campbell St.


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