Health experts explain role of Narcan, push to get it into schools across Kansas

  • Source: KWCH-TV CBS 12 Wichita
  • Published: 05/17/2022 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Naloxone, more commonly referred to as “Narcan,” is a medication that reverses the effects of an opioid in your system. Dr. Gregory Lakin, with the Center for Change, said it’s simple to use and can be a determining factor between life and death. He said shooting the medication into a nostril once is usually all it takes to work, but with fentanyl, a second shot might be needed two to three minutes later. “But it’s truly lifesaving time and time again,” Dr. Lakin said. And as schools, law enforcement offices and other organizations are using the medication, or are considering it, the question comes: “is there any risk?” “If you don’t have any opioids in your system, it’s not going to do any kind of side effect or any kind of damage,” Dr. Lakin said. “So, this is a safe drug, and it is designed only for those who have an opioid overdose.”


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