Fort Wayne public safety workers to get bonuses for polar vortex work

  • Source: FW Business Weekly
  • Published: 02/08/2019 01:09 PM

Mayor Tom Henry on Feb. 8 announced that Fort Wayne Police Department officers and Fort Wayne Fire Department firefighters who worked while city offices were closed during the recent polar vortex will receive time-and-a-half compensation for their efforts. That amounts of $49,772, according to John Perlich, city spokesman. The public safety divisions were able to find the necessary resources in their approved 2019 budgets to fund the additional compensation, according to a city statement. “Public safety is a top priority in the city of Fort Wayne," Henry said in the statement. "I appreciate and respect the work that our police officers and firefighters perform each day to serve and protect all of us. During the recent polar vortex, the brave men and women of the FWPD and FWFD stepped up and didn’t back down from the life-threatening conditions that our city experienced. We’re fortunate to live in a community that values and understands the importance of public safety.”


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