Farmworkers receive long-sleeve shirts from Caldwell Fire Department

  • Source: KTVB-TV NBC 7 Boise
  • Published: 07/23/2024 12:00 AM

Wildfires continue to rage throughout Idaho, threatening those in the area. To raise awareness about fire safety among farmworkers, the Caldwell Fire Department donated long-sleeved shirts. On Monday, July 22, Caldwell Fire in a news release said it partnered with the Community Council of Idaho to donate 100 long-sleeved shirts with the message "Know Two Ways Out of Your Home." The slogan on the back of the shirts means home residents should be mindful of at least two ways to exit their homes safely in a fire emergency. "We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to support our farmworkers through this initiative," Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention Alan Perry said in a news release. "Our goal is to not only provide protective clothing but also to spread an important message about fire safety..."


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