Officials investigate possible shark attack at Anaehoomalu Bay in Waikoloa

  • Source: KITV ABC 4 Honolulu
  • Published: 06/26/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: A public accident investigation has been launched on the Big Island into a possible shark bite incident at Anaehoomalu Bay in Waikoloa on Monday. The reported incident happened around 5:30 p.m. A 20-year-old man who was visiting from Romania said he was swimming about 15-20 feet offshore when he felt a sudden pain in his right foot. The swimmer said he checked and found lacerations on both the top and bottom of the foot, and he was bleeding profusely. The victim and two others near him in the water did not see a shark; however, medics who responded to the scene said that the injuries were consistent with a shark bite. Medics with the Hawaii Fire Department took the man to Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.


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