Honolulu Fire Department promotes 84 employees, including new Battalion Chiefs

  • Source: KHON-TV FOX 2 Honolulu
  • Published: 06/17/2024 12:00 AM

The Honolulu Fire Department honored the promotion of 84 uniformed and civilian employees, including two new Battalion Chiefs, during a ceremony held at the Mission Memorial Auditorium. Among the attendees were Managing Director Michael D. Formby, members of the Honolulu Fire Commission, and families and friends of the 81 uniformed and three civilian employees. “We appreciate all our dedicated employees who chose to join the HFD from varying professions,” said Fire Chief Kalani Hao. “These hardworking public servants exemplified professional excellence in their respective areas, which enabled our department to meet its mission and goals.” While HFD’s civilian employees do not respond to 911 calls, they play a crucial role in handling various emergencies that ensure the department’s smooth operation behind the scenes.


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