Warning issued after ‘aggressive’ tiger shark spotted near popular Honolulu surf break

  • Source: Hawaii News Now
  • Published: 06/14/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Honolulu Ocean Safety is advising beachgoers to remain vigilant after officials confirmed a sighting of an “aggressive” tiger shark in waters off Kakaako on Wednesday morning. Officials said an eight- to ten-foot aggressive tiger shark was observed feeding on fish in the lineup at Point Panic surf break. Despite the Ocean Safety warnings, a group of scuba divers were eager to get into the waters. “We get excited about those big creatures in the water, we don’t get to see them very often and we always hope we do,” said diver Jen Kersey. The group said they’d remain aware of their surroundings and stay close to the reef. Ocean Safety reminds the public to check in with lifeguards for the latest ocean conditions and to call 911 for any emergencies.


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