Wildfire awareness tips shared by Honolulu Fire Department

  • Source: KITV ABC 4 Honolulu
  • Published: 06/13/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: As the weather heats up, making for drier conditions, risk factors rise for the possibility of wildfires. While the Kona Lows from May and June trade wind showers brought lots of rain to Hawaii, experts warn that the lush green landscapes may bring a false sense of security. “Don't be fooled by the greenery,” said Carl Otsuka, Fire Inspector and Community Relations for the Honolulu Fire Department. “You still can have wildland fires, brush fires.” Among the lessons from the 2023 Maui wildfires: What may seem like relatively simple details can be what actually saves your home. “We've learned that we do need to be cognizant of the types of plants and the way we have our trees within our own property lines,” Otsuka added.


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