City of Honolulu to close park in another bid to deter hikers scaling Stairway to Heaven

  • Source: Hawaii News Now
  • Published: 06/13/2024 12:00 AM

Illegal hikers going to the “Stairway to Heaven” have ignored repeated warnings as the city prepares to demolish the stairs. Now, the city is joining forces with the state on a new measure to keep those trespassers out of what authorities say is an increasingly dangerous area. Many illegal hikers take what’s called the Middle Ridge, the back way up in Moanalua Valley to get to Haiku Stairs in Kaneohe because of the police crackdown in Windward Oahu. It’s a five-hour hike on a slippery slope before illegal hikers have been spotted celebrating a last hurrah at the top of the stairs. “I’m appalled by that. It’s irresponsible,” said Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi. “We are not going to put up with anybody either from the back end, the front end or anywhere trying to go up the stairs,” he added.


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