No injuries reported following structure fire in Pahoa

  • Source: Big Island Now
  • Published: 06/12/2024 12:00 AM

No injuries were reported after an abandoned residential structure in Pahoa burned to the ground Monday night. Hawaii Fire Department responded to the blaze at 7:40 p.m. on the 14-3000 block of Oahu Road. When crews arrived on scene, they found a 24-foot-by-24-foot single-story, wood-framed structure engulfed in flames. The structure appeared to be abandoned, and there was not a clear path or driveway to the house, which was surrounded by trees and brush, making battling the fire challenging. Crews began their initial attack against the blaze from Oahu Road. Additional engines responded and provided suppression efforts from Flower Road. Water had to be shuttled into the remote area. The fire was extinguished at 9:20 p.m. The surrounding trees and brush were also thoroughly wet down due to fire exposure.


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