U.S. Naval Hospital Guam to become trauma center

  • Source: The Guam Daily Post
  • Published: 06/06/2024 12:00 AM

U.S. Naval Hospital Guam is moving forward to become a trauma center, according to its medical director, Dr. Sally Westcott. Dr. Westcott shared the news with the Emergency Medical Services Commission and EMS for Children Advisory Committee during a meeting on Tuesday. “Just want everyone to be aware that the hospital is moving forward with becoming a trauma center. No real (estimated time of arrival) at the moment,” Westcott said. Part of becoming a trauma center involves prehospital trauma training, she said. "I am currently in the process of getting PHTLS, which is pre-hospital trauma life support, as well as (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care), which is a variation of (Tactical Casualty Care), able to be offered at the hospital for the Federal Fire people, and then hopefully I am going to be able to open it up to the Guam Fire employees as well."


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