Rapid Response: Historic landmark fires are a tactical and emotional challenge for firefighters

  • Source: FireRescue1
  • Published: 04/15/2019 12:00 AM

Notre Dame, an iconic cathedral in the center of Paris, caught fire Monday evening. The building’s spire collapsed and the entire frame of the building, which is under renovation, was burning. The Paris Fire Brigade is reported to have said the fire is “potentially linked” to the renovation work. It might be days or weeks before the fire’s cause is known, and in the early hours of the fire, the number of injuries or fatalities is unknown. The Notre Dame cathedral is one of the world’s most famous buildings, the top tourism destination in Paris, and the building’s art and contents are priceless. While battling the fire, crews are reported to be attempting to save priceless artwork from inside the 12th century building. Your community likely does not have a historic building as old or as visited as Notre Dame, but your coverage area is sure to include houses of worship and historically significant structures. Even in the early hours of this incident, it’s not too early to discuss with your department or company response to landmark buildings and houses of worship.


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