Brevard County Fire Rescue Equips Firefighters With High Tech Seek Thermal Imaging Cameras

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  • Published: 06/23/2023 12:00 AM

Brevard County Fire Rescue received 20 new Seek Thermal Imaging Cameras on Wednesday. With this addition, every firefighter on a rescue unit will now have a lightweight thermal camera to enhance situational awareness and increase firefighter safety. The camera provides firefighters with the ability to regain orientation in low visibility or blackout smoke conditions. Seek’s technology allows firefighters to see detail in the hottest and coolest regions of the scene at the same time without freezing and switching modes. Mixed Gain simplifies and improves thermal imaging for the fire service. “This is huge for our rescue units that arrive first to a fire scene and enables them to conduct a rescue much more efficiently,” said a BCFR spokesperson. A Brevard County Fire Rescue official said this purchase gets them closer to having almost every air pack outfitted with a camera.


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