Turbine at Logan County wind farm collapses, burns

  • Source: CBS News Colorado
  • Published: 01/16/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTOS: A wind turbine at a northern Colorado wind farm folded in half and caught fire Thursday morning, startling neighbors who heard banging noises prior to the collapse. The incident was reported at 8 a.m. No injuries were reported. Oil and grease from the generator caught fire after the tower's collapse. Personnel from the Peetz and Crook all-volunteer fire departments responded. Employees from Invenergy - a Chicago-based company which first owned the wind turbine field and now operates it for the current owner, ClearWay Energy - were already at the site when firefighters arrived, according to Peetz Fire Protction District Chief Steven Schumacher. "This is the first downed tower we've had," Schumacher said. A tower in Fleming, about a dozen miles southwest of Peetz, collapsed in 2022.


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