Tucson Fire Department offers critical services during extreme heat

  • Source: KGUN-TV ABC 9 Tucson
  • Published: 06/27/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: As temperatures rise, the Tucson Fire Department is doing more for the community beyond fighting fires. Paul Moore, Deputy Chief with the Tucson Fire Department, says firefighters provide emergency medical services to those across Tucson. “We’re what we call an 'all-hazards department.' Eighty percent of what we do is emergency medical services. We’re going on calls to help the public. We’re fighting fires, certainly, but we’ve also got a whole prevention wing doing fire inspections and investigating fire causes,” said Moore. “We’ve also got a portion of our department called TC3, Tucson Community Collaborative Care, which is all about connecting people with the right services so maybe they’re not using the 911 service but they’re using this TC3 unit.”


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