Buckeye couple recounts moment home was struck by lightning, leaving a mess behind

  • Source: KNXV-TV ABC 15 Phoenix
  • Published: 06/27/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: One Valley family is already feeling the effects of the monsoon season after storms this week, saying their home is in need of repair after being struck by lightning. ABC15’s Ashlee DeMartino spoke with a couple living in Buckeye who said a bolt of lightning struck their home during storms early Tuesday morning. Fire crews were called out and they had to poke holes in the ceiling and roof to find areas that were smoldering following the strike, leaving their home a mess. "I think yesterday we were like walking zombies. We just felt like this wasn’t really real - this really didn’t happen. We are grateful to the firefighters and to our neighbors. It's hard to look around at the mess, our things, our family, our life, looking like this. I mean how could this happen?" said Debra Miller about her home being struck by lightning.


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