Tempe unveils city’s new Real-Time Operations Center

  • Source: KTVK-TV CBS 3 & KPHO-TV CBS 5 Phoenix (AZ Family)
  • Published: 06/26/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: A new tool for first responders in Tempe will allow the city to improve how emergency services respond to people who need help when moments matter. The Real-Time Operations Center uses about 1,000 cameras across the city to help officers find evidence of a crime and to respond to calls more safely. The cameras have been installed along roadways, parks and city buildings. "This is a game changer,” said Greg Ruiz, Deputy City Manager over Community Health and Public Safety. A room inside of police headquarters is full of monitors, with busy areas of the city on full display. There, the small but mighty team is ready for an emergency. “We are shaving time off and as the city becomes more congested, more calls for service, etc., we know time matters,” Ruiz said.


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