Drones helping first responders keep Phoenix safe

  • Source: KPNX-TV NBC 12 Mesa
  • Published: 06/26/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: The Phoenix Fire Department is always looking for ways to keep the community safe. The adoption of new technology can play a big part in that. That's where the department's drone program comes into play. Capt. Scott Douglas met the 12News crew near Camelback Mountain, where many of the scenarios that play out require the help of a drone to expedite rescues. "We can get the drone up in the air within two minutes, these tools simultaneously increase safety for all parties involved," explained Douglas. Several situations incorporate the technology. "We respond to a number of mountain rescues, indoor chemical fire inspection even with the basics of fighting fires," said Douglas. "Plus, this allows us to be able to find patients before we send our crews out."


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