Tucson Fire Department begins construction on new Station 14

  • Source: KGUN-TV ABC 9 Tucson
  • Published: 06/14/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Tucson Fire Department has begun construction on a new Station 14 on the south side, replacing the current station built in 1968. The new facility aims to improve both firefighter well-being and community service. Construction Superintendent Glen Pinon of BFL Construction Co. said, "We've cleared out 3 acres for the replacement of Station 14." The new station will feature enhanced health and safety measures for firefighters, including dedicated dorm rooms, a gym, and an upgraded dispatch system. "It's going to help with health and safety for the firefighters and expand our capability to serve the citizens of Tucson," said Paul Moore, Deputy Chief of Capital Projects for Tucson Fire. This project is funded by a voter-approved half-cent sales tax initiative from 2017, designed to boost public safety.


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