15 buildings destroyed, Rose Fire 20% contained near Wickenburg

  • Source: KTVK-TV CBS 3 & KPHO-TV CBS 5 Phoenix (AZ Family)
  • Published: 06/14/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO/PHOTOS: More than a dozen buildings have been destroyed as firefighters gained some containment on the Rose Fire burning in the Wickenburg area. Officials said the fire burned seven homes and eight other buildings as of Thursday evening. Twelve vehicles, a horse trailer, and a recreational vehicle were also destroyed in the fire. There are no reports of injuries. The Rose Fire is 20% contained and after aerial mapping, it has burned 166 acres, crews said. Tiffany Davila with the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management said a dozer was used Thursday afternoon in the river bottom on the northwest part of the fire. Firefighters are patrolling around the communities to finish with protecting buildings and homes, she added.


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