Fire investigators heat things up during conference in Harrison

  • Source: KYTV NBC 3
  • Published: 10/11/2019 12:00 AM

Instructors turned up the heat on fire investigators to make sure they can figure out the starting point of a blaze, which can help them determine how the fire started. "Whether it be fraud or arson. There's also electrical fires. There's acts of God with lightning. There's undetermined," said Eric Godwin, the president of International Association of Arson Investigators in Arkansas. This conference puts those fire investigators' skills to the test, so they can maintain their certification. "You have public investigators who work for municipalities, sheriff's offices, etc. like that. And then you also have a private side who works for insurance companies," said Harrison Fire Chief Marc Lowery. Instructors set four cars on fire, so fire investigators were able to see the burn patterns that help them determine where the fire started.


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