Two killed in fiery north Jefferson County crash

  • Source:
  • Published: 02/15/2024 10:38 AM

Two men were killed in a fiery crash early Thursday in north Jefferson County. Sheriff’s deputies responded at 1:53 a.m. to the 5000 block of Snowville Brent Road. Lt. Joni Money said Bagley firefighters were initially dispatched when a nearby resident reported that something was on fire but was unable to identify the cause. Once the firefighters arrived, they determined the blaze was the result of a wreck and notified the sheriff’s office. Authorities confirmed there were two people dead inside the white Nissan sedan. Their identities are not yet known but both were adult white males. Authorities said the Nissan had left the road and struck a tree. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Traffic Accident Reconstruction Team was activated and will be conducting the investigation into the crash.


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