Keel Mountain Volunteer Fire Department buys new CPR training devices

  • Source: WAAY-TV ABC 31 Huntsville
  • Published: 10/10/2019 05:33 PM

The Keel Mountain Volunteer Fire Department said learning something as simple as hands-only CPR can greatly increase the chances of someone's survival if they're in cardiac arrest. "Those skills atrophy very quickly if you're not practicing them at least on a monthly basis," said Justin Cole. Cole is the public information officer; He said these manikins are equipped with feedback technology to improve the quality of CPR training. You can use them with Bluetooth if you have an Android or Apple device. It monitors the depth and release of the chest compressions and the rate of ventilation for mouth-to-mouth. "If someone's heart stops and it stops pumping that blood with the oxygen to someone's brain, within 10 minutes, someone's death could be irreversible," said Cole.


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