VIDEO: Massive strip mall fire in Massachusetts destroys multiple businesses

  • Source: WBZ-TV CBS 4 Boston
  • Published: 09/11/2024 12:00 AM

Multiple businesses in Lynnfield were destroyed Tuesday night when intense flames tore through a strip mall. The fire happened around 9 p.m. at the strip mall on Post Office Square. Daylight revealed significant damage to multiple businesses. Lynnfield Fire Chief Glenn Davis said most of the businesses will likely be a total loss. No injuries have been reported following the fire, which happened while the businesses were closed. Initial reports indicated that the fire may have started somewhere near Old Towne Market, which is in the middle of the strip mall. Flames then spread to nearby businesses, including a Dunkin'. Davis said it is an old building with no sprinklers. There's a common attic space that runs the whole length of the strip mall, allowing the fire to spread very quickly. Multiple fire departments were required to put out the flames.


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