Hybrid fire truck flushes flames in test at Florida fire academy

  • Source: Jacksonville Today
  • Published: 10/01/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO/PHOTOS: A blazing tower of flame and black smoke sizzled the air Monday as a bright yellow airport fire truck quietly rolled up, then let loose with its two water cannons. Inside, next to a Jacksonville firefighter, was Mayor Donna Deegan, getting a test ride on the new diesel-electric hybrid truck that the fire department is investigating for purchase from Oshkosh Airport Products in Wisconsin. Dual torrents of water quickly extinguished the towering inferno during the demonstration of the six-wheel-drive Striker Volterra fire truck. Its manufacturer says the truck could save up to 40% in fuel costs due to its ability to maneuver on electric power alone if needed. Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Chief Keith Powers says that is just one reason the city is investigating the truck, which could be used to fight aircraft incidents involving major companies that fly out of Cecil Airport, including Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Flightstar Aircraft Services and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


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