Video shows man punching Los Angeles fire truck during response to car crash

  • Source: KNBC-TV NBC 4 Los Angeles
  • Published: 06/13/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Firefighters in South Los Angeles said they had to physically fight a man off after he attacked a fire truck in a caught-on-camera confrontation. A Station 16 fire truck was on its way to respond to a crash when the man suddenly climbed aboard the fire engine. “We were literally responding to a traffic collision and this guy just came out of nowhere, jumped in front of the engine and just started punching it,” said Andrew Chaing, a firefighter/paramedic who was in the truck at the time of the incident. According to Chaing, the bizarre encounter happened on June 7 near the intersection of Central Avenue and Nadeau Street, roughly half a mile from the fire station. Video shows the man punching the windows of the truck before he turned on the firefighters.


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