Blazing Creativity: Meet the Seattle firefighter who designs custom fire patches

  • Source: Seattle Refined
  • Published: 06/13/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTOS: Seattle firefighter Denny Kimball has found a passion that ignites his creativity and inspires station solidarity. The veteran firefighter uses his artistic talent to create patches for fire stations, from an homage to Jimi Hendrix to a Green Lake swamp creature. Kimball's unique patch designs reflect the gritty and heroic nature of firefighting. Kimball, who currently drives Ladder 3 in the Central District, estimates that he's created about 75 patch designs. "Around 30, I think, are being used in the Seattle Fire Department," said Kimball. "And I've got a couple out of Puget Sound Fire, Burlington, King County District 2, Renton." Kimball has long family ties to the Seattle Fire Department. "My father retired out of Seattle with 30 years," he said.


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