VIDEO: Fire damages 15 boats at Las Vegas Boat Harbor on Lake Mead

  • Source: KTNV-TV ABC 13 Las Vegas
  • Published: 06/10/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTOS: About 15 boats were damaged or destroyed after an early morning fire at Las Vegas Boat Harbor at Lake Mead. According to the National Park Service, the fire started around 12:30 a.m. and was contained by 3:30 a.m. As of Sunday evening, authorities were still investigating what caused the fire. Jeff Sammons, a Boulder City resident who operates a waste removal company at Lake Mead, was asleep on his boat when he was startled by an explosion sometime after midnight. "It was crazy," Sammons says. "A (National Park Service) ranger knocked on the door of my boat and said I have to evacuate. There were flames everywhere. Thank goodness there were no fatalities." Owners of affected boats have been notified of damages by Las Vegas Boat Harbor staff.


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