One North Carolina fire department is using drones to set a new standard in ocean rescue technology

  • Source: CBS News
  • Published: 08/12/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Last month, two young paddleboarders found themselves stranded in the ocean, pushed 2,000 feet from the shore by strong winds and currents. Thanks to the deployment of a drone, rescuers kept an eye on them the whole time and safely brought them aboard a rescue boat within minutes. In North Carolina, the Oak Island Fire Department is one of a few in the country using drone technology for ocean rescues. Firefighter-turned-drone pilot Sean Barry explained the drone's capabilities as it was demonstrated on a windy day. "This drone is capable of flying in all types of weather and environments," Barry said. Equipped with a camera that can switch between modes — including infrared to spot people in distress — responders can communicate instructions through a speaker. It also has the ability to carry life-preserving equipment.


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