Firefighters union in Virginia wins vote to represent first responders in collective bargaining

  • Source: WDVM-TV 25 Hagerstown
  • Published: 02/25/2022 12:00 AM

A firefighters union in Alexandria has won the right to collectively bargain on behalf of first responders in the city. This win is being called ‘historic’ — it’s the first time in decades that a union will be able to collectively bargain contracts for public sector employees in the state of Virginia. Josh Turner, president of the union, IAFF Local 2141, says it’s been a long time coming. “It’s been 44 years since public employees could have a seat at the table,” said Turner. Collective bargaining between for public sector employees has not been allowed in the state for quite some time, after a Virginia Supreme Court ruling 1977 prevented collective bargaining for government workers in the state. That is, until a law took effect in May 2021, allowing localities to adopt an ordinance to enter into collective bargaining. Alexandria was one of the first localities to do so.


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