Town council balks at approving fire merger in Arizona

  • Source: Payson Roundup
  • Published: 01/29/2019 12:00 AM

The Payson Town Council refused to commit to a merger between the Payson, Hellsgate and Houston-Mesa fire departments Thursday, saying they need more time. The council asked staff to explore a different model for the merger, conduct further financial analysis and look into how much control Payson would have if the merger went forward. Most of the council members said they simply needed more time and information. Mayor Tom Morrissey feared a loss of control. The Hellsgate and Payson Fire chiefs both strongly support the proposal to merge the three fire departments and worked more than a year on the agreement. In their plan, the new fire district would fall under the direction of an elected board composed of three Payson council members, two Hellsgate Fire District board members and one board member from Houston-Mesa. The board members from each fire department could veto changes that directly impact that department if needed. The overwhelming majority of firefighters voted to support the merger.


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