Audio reveals trouble in the air before plane crashes into townhomes east of Portland

  • Source: KATU-TV ABC 2 Portland
  • Published: 09/03/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO/PHOTOS: It has been a few days since federal agencies rushed to the scene of a fiery plane crash that killed three people. They are still investigating what sent a small plane into homes in the city of Fairview, located about 15 miles east of Portland. "Crash, crash, crash... big black smoke in a residential area,” audio from Broadcastify reveals what emergency responders saw. Just before the crash that killed the pilot, a passenger, and a person in a townhome, air traffic controllers urged the pilot to change altitude immediately as it flew over Troutdale. "Sir you haven't gone around anytime. Say your intentions,” an Air Traffic Controller said. "Say your intentions. Your altitude indicates 1,700. You're well above the uh VFR altitude restrictions. I need you to descend and maintain *inaudible* below 1,200 now.”


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