Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical respond to unknown substance leak

  • Source: KCTV CBS 5 Kansas City
  • Published: 09/11/2023 12:00 AM

Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical responded to an unknown substance leak from a rail car mid-Saturday morning. Around 10:30 a.m., a rail car was parked near the 400 block of Locust Street in North Lawrence. Upon arrival, LDCFM immediately began procedures to stop the leak. A witness told LDCFM that the rail car began to leak days earlier. According to the LDCFM press release, there is no ongoing leak from the rail car, and no hazard to surrounding areas. CHEMTREC, a national chemical response call center, was consulted. Based on the markings on the rail car, it was determined that Magnesium Chloride solution was the leaking substance. The solution is used for dust abatement on non-paved roads and deicing purposes for paved roads. CHEMTREC confirmed the solution is no hazard to the community.


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