22 years ago 2,996 people lost their lives in New York. 343 of those lives were firefighters and 71 of them were law enforcement personnel. Saturday evening local foundation Hero's Defense hosted a banquet to honor their legacy and the legacy and great work of the first responders in the region.
"We decided that it was time to bring some of that out here, share some of what we've heard and what we've learned and reignite that that promise. And so in doing so, we found this community is just phenomenal. They understand it. And the more we share about 9/11 and the more we share about the character of our first responders, the more the community responds, and it's amazing," said Travis Snowder founder of Hero's Defense.
Snowder says that the memorial banquet that they are hosting is one of the fastest growing events that honors the legacy of 9/11.