Department of Public Health and Social Services: Guam enters flu season

  • Source: KUAM News
  • Published: 09/03/2024 12:00 AM

The Department of Public Health and Social Services is informing the community, Guam is entering the flu season. “Guam usually enters flu season around the month of September. The flu is a highly contagious viral disease, with symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever, chills and body aches,” said DPHSS Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Leon Guererro. DPHSS advises the community to take the following preventative measures. Get a yearly flu vaccine if you're 6 months or older, especially if you're at higher risk (young children, pregnant women, adults 65+, or those with chronic conditions). Consult your healthcare provider for vaccination. To reduce your risk of flu, practice social distancing, avoid close contact with sick individuals, stay home if you're ill, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face. For treatment, consult your healthcare provider and consider antiviral drugs if recommended by the CDC.


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