Cañon City Area Fire Protection District’s Battalion Chief David Marshall retiring after nearly 50 years of service

  • Source: Canon City Daily Record - Metered Site
  • Published: 10/01/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTOS: Cañon City residents owe much of their everyday comfort and safety to first responders, such as EMT personnel, policemen, and firefighters — one of which retired from nearly 50 years of service Sunday. Battalion Chief David Marshall, 67, is the definition of a home-grown Cañon City native and celebrated 46 remarkable years as part of the Cañon City Area Fire Protection District. Born and raised in Cañon City, Marshall’s family managed several theaters in town, including the Skyline Theater, Sunset Drive-In, and the Royal Gorge Cinema and he also spent time working at the theaters as well. “I kept a low profile in high school,” he said with a smile. “But in the last year of high school, I knew I wanted to go into the fire service.”


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